Through a Clear Lens (2001)

Through a Clear Lens was developed after
Squeegee in 1999
(see Squeegee
The Federal Department of Justice, Youth Policy Unit and the Donner Canadian Foundation supported our request to put video cameras in the hands of a small group of youth to research and document the interface between youth and the police. This is both a youth empowerment and public education/social change project.
If you would like to express your views about anything in this footage to the Chair of the Vancouver Police Board, click the e-mail address below. Your e-mail will also be cc'd to CBC Television News, who have covered the project and the issues and to Headlines Theatre.
If you would like to contact us at Headlines:
Quicktime is recommended for the following video clips. The movies are available in two sizes based on download speed: low bandwidth for slower connections (56k modem +) and high bandwidth for faster connections (DSL, cable +)

View the complete CLEAR LENS REPORT

More Past Projects:
šxʷʔam̓ət (home) - (2017)
Reclaiming Hope (2016)
maladjusted Tour (2015)
Voices of Love (2014)
Corporations in our Heads Tour (2013)
I have to tell my story (2013)
maladjusted (2013)
Corporations in Our Heads (2012)
Us and Them (The Play) (2011)
Us and Them (The Inquiry) (2010)
The Gaza Mono-Logues (2010)
after homelessness… (2009)
shattering (2008)
2º of fear and desire (2007)
METH (2006)
Palestine, Israel and Me (2006)
Here and Now (2005)
Gimme the Keys (2005)
Practicing Democracy (2004)
Don't Say a Word (2003)
Shutting Down (2003)
Doctor/Patient Rainbow (2003)
Thir$ty (2002)
Reaching Across (2001)
Language Reclamation (2001)
Through a Clear Lens (2001)
Corporations in our Heads (2000)
Corporate U (2000)
Squeegee (1999)
¿Qué pasa with la Raza, EH? (1999)
Street Spirits (1999)
The Dying Game (1998)
The Gagged Voice (1998)
Generations (1997)
Reclaimining Our Spirits (1996)
Safe Sex (1996)
Mamu (1994)
Flesh and Blood (1993)
Out of the Silence (1991)
This is my Life? (1991)
¿Sanctuary? (1989)
Real Men Don't Buy Kids (1988)
Power Play (1988)
No'Xya' (1987)
The Enemy Within (1986)
Under the Gun (1983)
Right to Fight (1982)
Buy, Buy, Vancouver (1981)