Theatre for Living Links

Below are a few bits of reference material you may find interesting for information related to specific Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) past projects. First we have Internet Links and below that is a Suggested Reading List. Enjoy!


Applied and Interactive Theatre Guide

Arts Health Network Canada

Canadian Improv Games

CTO Rio. Augusto Boal's Centre for the Theatre of the Oppressed in Brazil

Giolli Centro di Ricerca

grunt gallery


International Theatre of the Oppressed Organisation. A GREAT web site for linking into Boal-based work around the world.

Independent Community Television

Judith Marcuse Projects

Mandala Centre for Awareness

Professional Association of Canadian Theatres PACT

Pedagogy & Theatre of the Oppressed

Playwright's Workshop Montreal

Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs)

Review Vancouver


Strange and Beautiful Music was happy to donate their music to
Through a Clear Lens

Street Spirits

SWAMP Theatre grassroots interactive theatre

Theatre In The Raw


Brecht forum in NY

Theatre Canada. A vast collection of links to theatres across the country

The Freedom Theatre

The Vancouver East Cultural Centre

Third Way Theatre

Vancouver Fringe Festival

Vancouver Theatre Guide



Following is a list of suggested reading. These are books that have affected the birth and evolution of Theatre for Living work:


Theatre for Living: the art and science of community-based dialogue, by David Diamond, published by Trafford.


Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, by Deepak Chopra, MD., published by Harmony Books.


Games for Actors and Non-Actors, by August Boal, published by Routledge.


Healing into Life and Death, by Stephen Levin, published by Anchor Press.


Leadership and the New Science, by Margaret Wheatly, published by Berrett-Koehler.


Pedagogy of Hope, by Paulo Friere, published by Continuum.


Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Friere, published by Continuum.


Playing Boal (Theatre, therapy, activism), Edited by Mady Schutzman and Jan Cohen-Cruz. Published by Routledge.


Quantum Healing, Exploring the Fronteirs of Mind/Body Medicine, by Deepak Chopra, MD., published by Bantam.


The Magic of Dialogue -Transforming Conflict into Cooperation, by Daniel Yankelovich, a Touchstone Book published by Simon and Schuster (1999).


The Moral Imagination, by John Paul Lederach, published by Oxford University Press (2005).


The Rainbow of Desire, by Augusto Boal, published by Routledge.


The Seven Mysteries of Life (An Exploration in Science and Philosophy), by Guy Murchie, published by Houghton Mifflin Company.


The Turning Point, by Fritjof Capra, published by Bantam Books.


The White Hole in Time, by Peter Russell, published by Harper SanFrancisco.


Theatre of the Oppressed, by Augusto Boal, published by Theatre Communications Group.


Timeshifting, by Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD, published by Doubleday.


The Hidden Connections, by Fritjof Capra, published by Doubleday.


Starting from the 2010/2011 project Us and Them (the inquiry), you'll find a direct link to each project's Links & Resources page:


šxʷʔam̓ət (home)

maladjusted Tour 2015


Us and Them (the play)

Us and Them (the inquiry)


Here is a list of links to community organizations and resources that were gathered through projects as far back as 2001:


From after homelessness…


Vancouver Detox Lines and BC Web-based Resources

  • Vancouver Crisis Line: 604.872.2211
  • Directions Youth Services Centre - Provides Vancouver's homeless and at-risk youth with a single entry point to access the tools they need to work towards reclaiming their lives. 604.633.1472
  • Vancouver Addictions Matrix Program - VAMP ∼ A 16-week intensive day/evening crystal meth treatment program that offers group format along with individual counselling sessions. 604.633.4230
  • ACCESS CENTRAL –Detox Referral Line - 1.866.658.1221
    Central phone number for access to adult and youth detox services in Vancouver.
  • Alcohol & Drug Information & Referral Service – BC Ministry of Health
    Vancouver: 604.660.9382 - BC Toll Free: 1.800.663.1441
  • From Grief to Action/Parents Forever
  • Hey-Way'-Noqu' Healing Circle for Addictions Society
  • Native Courtworker and Counselling Assoc of BC
  • Urban Native Youth Association - UNYA
  • DEYAS - Youth Detox Program - 604.251.7615
  • Family Services Detox - 604.872.4349
  • PLEA Detox - 604.708.2616




From 2º of Fear and Desire:

Our Working Group:

More resources:


From METH:


From Here and Now:

From Practicing Democracy:


Local Groups

Events and Actions

From Don't Say A Word:

From Thir$ty:

Local (Vancouver-based) organizations working on water:

Global water sites

Good papers and articles

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