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Links & Resources

British Columbia

BC 24 Hour Crisis Line • 1-800-SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433)
Your Local Crisis Line • 310.6789 (no area code required)

Provides assessment, emotional support, information and referral, and crisis and suicide
intervention services to the community through 14 crisis lines across BC.

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
Provides mental health and substance use information, resources, and peer support to children, youth, and their families across BC.
http://keltymentalhealth.ca/604.875.2084 or toll-free 1.800.665.1822

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Chinese Help Lines

Cantonese: 604.270.8233
Mandarin: 604.270.8222
Provides support to Chinese speaking people across the province who are experiencing difficulties accessing social services due to language and cultural barriers.

National Indian Residential School Crisis Line 1.866.925.4419
You can access emotional and crisis referral services by calling 24-hour National Crisis line.

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services
BCMHSUS delivers provincial specialized mental health and substance use services in BC. Provides resources and information for referrals.
604.875.2345, or toll-free 1.800.300.3088

Geared towards youth aged 13-25, provides educational materials and resources for mood disorders, substance use, and eating disorders.


Aboriginal Wellness Program
Provides culturally safe mental wellness and addiction programs that promote health, wellness
and healing. http://aboriginalhealth.vch.ca/health-services/aboriginal-wellness-program/

Lookout Society LivingRoom
A drop-in centre for the local mentally ill that provides social and recreation activities.
Also includes a medications administrations program.

Prism Services
Vancouver Coastal Health’s Mental Health support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and
Two Spirit (LGBTQ2S) communities.
email: prism@vch.ca604.658.1214

Strathcona Mental Health
Provides assessment, rehabilitation, and specialized services to adults with serious mental illness, and to children and youth with serious behavioural/emotional disorders living in the Strathcona area.

Suicide Prevention Support Line S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Education, and Research)
Provides counselling for individuals who are in a suicidal crisis, have made a suicide attempt, or are survivors of a suicide death. • 604.675.3985

Vancouver Child and Youth Mental Health Referral
For children and youth (18 & under) at risk of suicide in Vancouver, BC. • 604.709.4111


Alberta mental health help line 1.877.303.2642
Provides confidential, anonymous, crisis intervention, referrals, and information about mental health programs and services

Youth mental health – CASA • 780.438.0011
Provides innovative mental health services for infants, children, adolescents and their families
and is an effective advocate for children’s mental health in the Greater Edmonton region

Centre for Suicide Prevention help@distresscentre.com in Calgary call 403.266-HELP (4357)
A branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association, CSP is an education centre with the
largest English language library dedicated to the collection and dissemination of suicide
prevention, intervention and postvention resources.

Health Link Alberta
Provides health advice and information through a toll-free phone number to all Albertans.
Access is 24 hours, 7 days a week and support is provided by experienced registered nurses and other health-care professionals. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/223.asp
Toll-free: 1.866.408.5465 (LINK)
Edmonton: 780.408.5465 (LINK) :: Calgary: 403.943.5465 (LINK)

My Health Alberta
MyHealthAlberta.ca or http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/mentalhealth.asp
Provides printed mental health resources

Aboriginal Mental Health
The Aboriginal Health Program works throughout the province in partnership with Aboriginal people and organizations to provide high-quality, accessible, culturally appropriate health services for all First Nations, Métis and Inuit people. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/aboriginal.asp


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