maladjusted 2013 Image

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Community Workshop


Question Mark

Are you a caregiver in mental health or
a consumer of mental health services
Are you experiencing the system becoming mechanized
Are you struggling with how the health system is becoming “mechanical”?
Would you like to explore creating
a more patient-centered system?


If your answer to these questions is 'yes', then you have knowledge and a perspective that is valuable to this theatre production. Having a living knowledge of the issue is an essential criteria for participation; having acting experience is not. We need a diversity of perspectives to enrich this work.


Headlines Theatre, producer of the 2009 award winning community project after homelessness… , Us and Them (2010/11) and many others productions, is collaborating with numerous grassroots organizations on our 2013 main stage project: maladjusted. We are looking for up to twenty people to participate in a 6-day Theatre for Living Workshop, exploring issues of mental health and stigmatization inside the health system. No acting experience is necessary. Just a willingness to be open about your life experiences and a desire to play! We invite YOU to join us in developing this exciting project! (We're also looking for possible cast members…)

When: The workshop will take place from January 29 - February 3, 2013, 9am to 5pm.

Where: Renegade Studio Productions, 127 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver, BC.

It is very important that you are able to commit to coming to every day all day of the workshop.
Each workshop participant will be paid $600 for the week and lunch will be provided daily.

The workshop will use theatre games and exercises to build trust and explore your experiences around the issue. In the beginning, these games and exercises will be non-verbal. Slowly, the workshop will create short plays based on the life experiences of the workshop participants. This will happen through a symbolic, physical language. These points of tension will form the subject matter of the plays. The purpose of the workshop and making these short plays is to gather core material for the creation of the larger Forum Theatre production that will perform in Vancouver.

A full-time Support Person (counsellor) will be in the workshop and rehearsals. However, the project is not designed as therapy. Being in the workshop is employment in a process of creating a meaningful community dialogue about the issues of mental health and patient-centred care.


Are you interested in being a cast member?

Five members of the community workshop will create the main stage Interactive Theatre production along with TFL's Artistic Director David Diamond, and a professional design team.

The community workshop will not be an audition. If you want to be considered for the cast, you will be asked to do some improvisation work with David during the initial interview. Please note, you don't have to be a professional actor to speak the language of theatre. But you do need to be willing to 'play'. If you are NOT interested in being part of the cast, indicate you are only interested in the workshop. Be courageous! Let us know if you are interested!

Cast will be paid $650 per week from January 29, 2013 to March 24, 2013.

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What is Interactive Forum Theatre?

Headlines is a global leader in Forum Theatre, developed by Brazilian visionary and director, Augusto Boal. In Forum Theatre, we show the audience the play all the way through, and then start playing it a second time. Audience members can then stop the play and enter the stage themselves, by replacing characters with whom they identify and try to solve problems or issues inside the story. The theatre becomes a creative rehearsal for transforming ourselves, our communities and the world.

"I just watched Us and Them. I wanted to write you this time to say how moved I was. Moved by the emotional and intellectual commitment it takes to do this work, to change as a person, to do that with others. To grow, in real time, inviting us to join you. To explain to us the terms and then have faith in us - to compose solutions and break down walls, to change lives, to do this work with you. I so appreciate the role of the actors and their reading the moments and deciding constantly how to respond and push the scene further ahead. I also truly appreciate David's meaning making, or rather, the questions he asks of us to make meanings of what's happening on stage as the play is re-written by audience members and actors. We are rehearsing for life. And life lived symbolically is life lived, life under our belts - we leave the theatre having become those solutions. My sincere thanks to you all for this vital gift."
Kirstie Lang, audience member

Check out this video about the community workshop that lead to the creation of our 2011 main stage project Us and Them (the play):


How to apply:

Please send us a letter/email/fax indicating that you are available to commit to the dates and times of the workshop
(January 29 - February 3, 2013, from 9am - 5pm each day).

If you are interested in creating the public main stage performance and being a cast member, please indicate that you are available to do so (January 29 to March 24, 2013). This is full-time work, day-to-day schedule TBA.

Please, also state WHY you want to be part of this project and HOW it is relevant to you, in a CONCRETE way, specifically through your life experience. This information will be kept confidential. Be sure to let us know how we can find you again (email, phone number, mailing address, a contact person).

Send your email application to:
Mail in your application or drop by our office: 323 - 350 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5T 4R8
Call us: 604.871.0508
Fax it to: 604.871.0209


The Schedule:

Deadline for applications:
Friday, Nov 23, 2012, 5pm
(Maximum 20 participants)
Please specify whether of not you are interested in becoming a cast member, or if you would like to be in the workshop only. For more information, please call 604.871.0508
Participant interviews and cast auditions:
Dec 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2012
Up to 40 potential participants will be interviewed. Those interested in being in the play will improvize with Headlines’ Artistic Director. It is not possible to prepare for this. Just bring yourself and be willing to play!
2nd interviews: December 11 and 12, 2012
Final selections:
Dec 18, 2012
We will announce the workshop participants and cast.
Community Workshop:
Jan 29 - Feb 3, 2013
9am to 5pm daily. Venue: Renegade Studio Productions, 127 East 2nd Ave. Lunch provided.
Feb 6 to March 3, 2013
(Various days off are pre-determined)
The cast creates the main stage production. Start 9am to 5pm, moving to evenings in late February. Rehearsal venue: Renegade Studio Productions, 127 East 2nd Ave, Vancouver.
March 7 to 24, 2013
The Interactive Theatre production will be performed up to 18 times in Vancouver, at the Firehall Arts Centre, 280 East Cordova Street. There will be a live, interactive tele/web cast of the event on closing night, and subsequent airings on Shaw Community Television.




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