Crystal Clear • A project designed to involve current and former users of crystal meth in understanding, participating in and owning their own health. It seeks to decrease the amount of harm associated with meth use, both to the individual and to the larger community. Crystal Clear also educates and empowers users to spread harm reduction information and resources to street-involved youth and to provide training and other opportunities to youth with multiple barriers. Contact Hayley Sinclair at: or 604.714.3484 ext. 2264
Hey-Way'-Noqu' Healing Circle for Addictions Society • Uses a holistic approach to assist urban Native and Metis individuals and families through their healing journey from chemical addictions and co-dependencies. This organization seeks to help restructure their lifestyles to maximum functioning, in a culturally relevant way that enhances individuality, continual independence and uniqueness. 604. 874.1831 or:
Directions Youth Services Centre • Provides Vancouver’s homeless and at-risk youth with a single entry point to access the tools they need to work towards reclaiming their lives. At Directions, youth have access to numerous services to return to their home, to secure affordable housing, to find employment, to work toward educational goals, or to access addictions services and mental health counsellors. Open 24/7, 365 days a year. 134 Burrard Street, 604.633.1472
Innervisions Recovery Center • Provides guidance, support and care of people affected by addiction with recovery programs based on an intensive integrated holistic approach which is contingent on their ability to participate. 604.468.2032 or 1877.939.1420 (toll free)
From Grief to Action/Parents Forever • Based in Vancouver, a non-profit society working to improve the lives of drug users, their families and friends. They promote the recognition of drug addiction as a health issue, and support a comprehensive continuum of care for drug users, including harm reduction, detoxification, treatment and rehabilitation. 604.454.1484 or
Native Courtworker and Counselling Assoc of BC • Provides assistance to aboriginal people in conflict with the law and ensures they participate fully in the justice system through a holistic approach to prevention and intervention. 604.985.5355 or:
Maple Ridge Treatment Center • Founded in 1965, has become one of the premier treatment centres in the Lower Mainland for men suffering from substance abuse and dependencies. The program is designed to address the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual needs of each person.
604.467.3471 or:
Detox Lines
• Youth Detox Line - 1866.658.1221
• DEYAS - Youth Detox Program - 604.251.7615
• Family Services Detox - 604.872.4349
• PLEA Detox - 604.708.2616
• Free Acupuncture for Addiction and Pain - 604.254.9937